Monday, 21 February 2011

Mr Minister ( Part I )

Mister Minister

( part I )

Scene of wicked enterprise
Closet of the depraved instigating safe fear
Patent black rides up to a set of St Tropez thighs
Bargain red stripe wallpaper, rougher than the beer

Perpetuating malice of thought,
what the hell am I to do if caught?
What of the vile plebs? and then of course my wife?
What of the chief whip? Ha! looks like his mistress’s on the stage
Would that they might comprehend the strain of constituency life
Folly! insisting ministers must all be blandly beige

Tea towel holder in front of me recedes between walnut cheeks
Sipping only ice altered glen something, my tie gone, top buttons free
toying with her split vallum pent up lust inside peeks
Issues of state abandoned, my loins ablaze, Oh! heaven help me!

Stretched out timid as the whore picks up her skimpy skirt
She watched my twitching face, she knows of my translucent viscous shame
But what consequence the derision of a slut born in the dirt
Her voice, without my cash remains pathetically lame

Power of the Old Boys would put her in her place
Dipped in the river by Chatham, aught but old carpet to wear
Lapping cold waters abound her, trickling up her pretty made up face
Dipping below the water line, I’d pay plod not to care

cheaper though are bribes at source
toward her cotton pickin' grasping
fingers green plastic card normally reserved for when plus fours
and pastels, a leisurely golf round, guilt's bubbling spring

suppressed, oiled with trebles galore
for wanton gluttonies costly stride
may insight furore
should statements featuring lap dancers dyed

black indelible proof of wickedness
partitioned grounds for divorce
espied by my permanent mistress
governor of all creation, keeper of limitless resource

scrutinising retro whereabouts
interrogation followed similar patterns per monthly cycle
meaning first fortnight doubts
and wretched worry pull

strings connected to bells that fear
Discovery, a tune beaten out
by skilled campanologist's clear
cut evidence of infidelities clout

My head into thinking far too fast already
concentrate on the taxi back to the grace & favour
well exercised heart back to a steady
pace, enhanced but by worry by my misses finger wag, leaves me no braver.

Part II is being written.

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